Model of the Realize Type of Research

In order to understand more about the words that form the method of the Bodhisattva University, I will try to explain and summarize from various concepts the meaning that guides the direction of the Bodhisastra University.

  1. The Model means something that is created, set up or developed to show the important elements of the story or the work that makes us easier to understand, to be

used  as  a  guideline  for  further  action,  as  a  guideline  for  behaviors,  construction,

imitation or extension, for example, he has been doing business for a long time and achieved great success, which is his long experience, and will be very difficult to understand. It must be explained a long time. But as soon as the model was revealed, it will be very easy to understand or immediately understood, like bringing out the essence to be easy to understand, by not describing every aspect of every detail.

  1. The Model refers to the model of the reality of anything or life caused by the reduction of time, place, not taking all the things to say or present. Not all locations or

all objects are presented. But it reduces the size to the essence, reducing the truth or

phenomenon, or see only the most important part of the whole. But we still see the essence of that thing or that person and all that is presented in the model. We can also see the relationship of that thing in order to sustain it. Or it is the essence of an important lifestyle that makes him successful in life, each subject is also related, which is often written as a relationship structure or related elements.

  1. The Model refers to the conceptualization or invention which we will use to describe or find answers or important knowledge, or to understand various phenomena that are

complicated, our thoughts about that matter aim to clarify the relationship that has

occurred. That is the essence or essence of the story or phenomenon. With a simple question: how many things are there? Each one is what it is.

  1. The Model refers to the model of one thing as a guideline for creating or repeating to be a clear example, such as the model of pronunciation, business model, management

model, trading model, etc.

  1. The model is a model of work, or as a model of construction representing the idea of the future or expected to occur in the future.  If we follow the house plan, we will

definitely get the house according to the plan. If we follow the model of success, we are

expected to be successful. The model, therefore, predicts the future. Tests can be seen as real. It helps us to have imagination of the future allowing us to achieve the ambition of the way we want to be.

The meaning of the above model, therefore, shows the “creations” of students who have studied and done “research” for a long time. We often say that “Life Is Research”, it is

finding success through trial and error, life is a university of learning, taking work,

taking responsibility, taking the whole life experience as a classroom, as a research field, including success and failure from this research. Therefore, it is the result of research.

Realization is, therefore, the results of research where research is just the method, but realization is the Nirodha or the end results of research or the cessation of suffering in Buddhism.

Bodhisastra University emphasizes the realization or Vichak by inviting those who have succeeded in life to come and study for Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral degrees because we want to collect knowledge or we need knowledge management. These types of people are many but they lack the opportunity to be heard and seen, including lack of opportunities to earn a degree (degree = comprehensive knowledge). As for those who are not fully aware or still no success, if you want to take a degree from Bodhisastra University, please go back and act seriously in your work or field of specialization as interested in order to be able to crystallize and come to the assessment for your worthy degree from BOU.

The university was somewhat disappointed that some people did not have any substantial work,  no success, but would like to request to be evaluated by Bodhisastra

University wish to be a “Dr.”, perhaps by not looking at his own qualifications.

Bodhisastra University, therefore, always emphasizes in explaining to the doctoral students what is the success of students (That is the dissertation), what are the things that students will recommend to others if they want success as a student? How to recommend, how to tell him so that he could understand the model and imitate to develop to achieve the same success as students. This is written in Chapter 3 or the last Chapter which is the crystallization of ideas and experiences of students. Sometimes we explain in a way like the “Coconut milk” that has already been squeezed.

However, Bodhisastra University not only wants to see the Model that is the crystallization of life and experiences of students only. We also want to see the set of

experiences that are in Chapter 2 that will be “empirical” data that is clearly telling the

life and work that is “waste” of the coconut that has already been struck, ready to be squeezed into coconut milk in Chapter 3.

The problem with writing Chapter 3 or explaining the coconut residue or experience set is that some of the students copy from documents, or from other people’s work. They

write only a little, though with a lot of experience or write a lot of rubbish, with no experience or not enough experience to write about. The weight of the coconut residue

is not enough to squeeze into coconut milk. Our Evaluation Committee is sometimes partisan  with  students.  They  evaluate  only  let  students  pass  to  get  a  degree,  or

sometimes the examiner is cheated by a student who is not caught plagiarizing. Therefore, this is  not only the new method of Bodhisastra University, but it still needs

the faith of the management team and strict supervision to get out of the original thinking framework of the degree hunter group.

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